5 minutes with Dr Karl

29 Jul 2021
  • Meet the Artists
by Adelaide Symphony Orchestra
5 minutes with Dr Karl

BBC Blue Planet II will be hosted by special guest Dr Karl Kruszelnicki whose infectious enthusiasm for science makes him the perfect selection to be able to convey the excitement and wonder of it all as the orchestra plays live on stage.

Dr Karl, as he’s more commonly known, has worked to popularise and demystify science on the ABC and BBC for many years. He is well known for being the host of a weekly science talk-back program on the youth radio network Triple J, often crashing the switchboard with the volume of calls. His media career spans more than 30 years and he is the author of more than 45 books to date. He is one of Australia’s 100 National Living Treasures.

Most interesting question you’ve been asked:
The most interesting question I’ve been asked was when ABC Play School asked if I wanted to come on and do sciencey stuff, and I said “YES, YES! I want to do sciencey stuff”. That was my best ever question.

Most common question asked:
Why does the moon appear so big on the horizon but a few hours later it looks a lot smaller?

Question asked you haven’t been able to answer:
Why does the moon appear so big on the horizon but a few hours later it looks a lot smaller? As it turns out, if you look at the moon on the horizon with a telescope, you will realise it is actually smaller on the telescope than to the naked eye. There is something psychological going on and we don’t have the answer.

Favourite piece of classical music:
My favourite classical music is, of course, the later Beethoven String quartets…and Vivaldi…and Bach…and Mozart and everything else!

Do you play a musical instrument?
No – I do not play a musical instrument, bummer!

How do you feel filling the shoes of Sir David Attenborough as the narrator of BBC Blue Planet series?
I feel humbled, honoured and absolutely delighted.

Name a fun fact people may not know about you:
Well, a long time again I actually tried to build an antigravity machine. We failed with Mark I and tried again with Mark II but things fell apart.

Can you tell us three things we could be doing individually to slow climate change?
Well, the changes we individuals can do are absolutely dwarfed by what governments can do so we should:
1. influence government, 2. influence government and 3. influence government! Vote for the politicians that will do what should be done about climate change.

What are you most looking forward to about the ASO’s Blue Planet II concert at ASO’s Festival of Orchestra?
I can’t wait to be swept into a higher plane of consciousness by the absolute glorious music I know I am going to hear.

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