Annual Reports & Governance
ASO will lead the charge to make Adelaide, UNESCO City of Music, a distinctive global music capital through the highest standards of orchestral performance and music education, enriching and having lasting impact on our communities: collaboratively, innovatively, sustainably. Annual Reports Governance Constitution and Objects The objects for which the Company is established are:
ASO will lead the charge to make Adelaide, UNESCO City of Music, a distinctive global music capital through the highest standards of orchestral performance and music education, enriching and having lasting impact on our communities: collaboratively, innovatively, sustainably.
Annual Reports
ASO 2023 Annual Report
ASO 2022 Annual Report
ASO 2021 Annual Report
ASO 2020 Annual Report
ASO 2019 Annual Report
ASO 2018 Financial Statement
ASO 2017 Annual Report
ASO 2016 Annual Report
ASO 2015 Annual Report
ASO 2014 Annual Report
ASO 2013 Annual Report
ASO 2012 Annual Report
ASO 2011 Annual Report
ASO 2010 Annual Report
Constitution and Objects
The objects for which the Company is established are:
- To promote, encourage and produce and join in promoting, encouraging and producing orchestral music through the ASO and other forms of entertainment consistent with the ASO’s artistic standing and role.
- To acknowledge the ASO as a community icon and to foster community involvement in the development and activities of the ASO.
- To advance the work and profile of the ASO in the Australian and international orchestral music communities as one of Australia’s major symphony orchestras, including through concert performances, touring, recording, broadcasting, fundraising and obtaining sponsorship.
- To develop and maintain widely-based audiences for the performance of orchestral music.
- To facilitate the provision of rewarding employment and career development opportunities for talented Australian musicians and administrative staff and high calibre international musicians.
- To promote the public benefit derived from the maintenance of a symphony orchestra recognised internationally for its high quality.
- To encourage the participation of young people in the orchestral music art form through the provision of music education programs, young performers and young artists programs and other musical appreciation activities.
- To actively promote, initiate and commission, in the first instance, Australian musical composition and performance.
- To establish, promote, concur or assist in establishing, forming or promoting any other company, corporation or joint venture whose objects shall in any manner enhance either directly or indirectly the interests of the Company and to conduct and carry on or liquidate or wind up any such company, corporation or joint venture and to take or otherwise acquire and hold shares, securities or any other interest in, and to guarantee payment of any obligations of, any such company, corporation or joint venture.