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ASO kids celebrate their ASO mums

10 May 2020
  • Community
by Adelaide Symphony Orchestra
ASO kids celebrate their ASO mums

From care and compassion to yummy dinners and lots of cuddles, ASO kids tell us why their mums have a special place in their hearts. Happy Mother’s Day from all us at the ASO.

Associate Principal Oboe Renae Stavely

Renae’s daughter Loukia (9)
“Mum is cuddly and fun. I love reading stories together, going for bike rides together, and going to the playground together. Mum is special as she is the only one who knows how to do an ooga mooga.”

Renae with Harry, Loukia and Annie

Tutti Cello Sarah Denbigh

Sarah’s daughter Emily (26)
“I love my mum for lots of reasons, both musical and non-musical! I love her because she encouraged me, helped me and pushed me to be the best version of myself. I love her baking and desserts and miss them now that I am 26 and live out of home! She works incredibly hard at her job and never does anything half-heartedly. She perseveres and is resilient despite facing challenges and always tries to look out for others. I have lots of great musical memories with my mum. She made sure I saw lots of her concerts – I remember the first ballet I saw her play in was the Nutcracker, and I went with my granny. It was very magical for a 5-year-old little girl! After school, I used to sit in on her practice sessions with her quartets and manage the metronome. She played a very active role in my musical education and used to help out with tutorials for my string orchestra and sit in on my violin lessons. She was always very truthful about how I was playing and what I sounded like, but she definitely would compliment me if I was playing well! I miss being able to go to concerts and see her play – she always manages to find me in the audience and waves to me before the concert starts.”

Sarah and daughter Emily

Tutti Cello Sherrilyn Handley

Sherrilyn’s daughters Kimberley (26) and Christina (24)
“I love the amount of effort mum puts into everything she does, especially for us. She is willing to listen to me ramble off anatomy and science concepts without looking like she is going to die of boredom or information overload. She also always makes me laugh.” – Kimberely

“I love her unending kindness. Mum is one of those people who truly understands what it means to listen, with mum around you feel understood and loved, you never feel alone.” – Christina

Sherri celebrating Mother’s Day with her mum, daughters and extended family

Tutti Double Bass Belinda Kendall-Smith

Belinda Kendall-Smith’s children Juliet (19), Leo (17), Evan (15) and Alec (13)
“I love mum’s incredible optimism and compassion, she is so bright and radiates happiness. She is also so passionate about life and this makes everyone around her passionate too.” – Juliet

“Mum is incredibly generous and caring, all day, every day, for everyone. She is well-read on everything. She can laugh over a beer or write a billion-page thesis. I love playing music with her and hugs.” – Leo

“I love that my mum gives us lots of freedom, is supportive and accepting. She is polite to everyone, even if she doesn’t like them and I enjoy laughing at the dinner table with her.” – Evan

“I love hugs in the morning with mum when I get out of bed.” – Alec

Belinda Kendall-Smith with children Leo, Evan, Juliet and Alec

Tutti Viola Anna Hansen

Anna’s children Alison (16) Stephanie (14) and Bridget (12)
“I love my mum because she is willing to give up her own time to take us to sport and other things. She is always the bigger person in a situation and will always accept everyone for who they are. I love to play games with her.” Bridget

“I love that mum always makes an effort to get us places (or at least she did when there was no corona) and that she supports our decisions. She doesn’t ever care exactly what the result is she cares that we try and will improve next time. I love cooking with her.” Stephanie

“I love how she wants us to always do our best and how she makes sacrifices for us to be able to go out and do things. I love going for walks with her.” Alison

Anna Hansen and family

Principal Piccolo Julia Grenfell

Julia’s daughter Grace (11)
“I love my mum’s yummy dinners and she lets us do lots of fun things. My mum is special because she knows how to play the flute really well and she is funny, nice and helpful. My favourite thing I love doing with my mum is going to the beach or the park or going anywhere really!”

Julia with Liam and Grace

Tutti Flute Lisa Gill

Lisa’s children Harley (12) and Rachel (9)
“Mum is always there for us when we need her, she is the best mum in the world.”

Lisa with Harley, Rachel and their dog, Dusty on Mother’s Day
a few years ago.

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