Airan Berg

Airan Berg is an internationally working theatre maker and artistic director, who specialises in large scale participatory and inclusive projects.
He is currently the artistic director of: Festival der Regionen, one of Austria’s most prestigious festivals, Orfeo & Majnun a Creative Europe music theatre project in 7 European Countries, and Floods of Fire, commissioned by the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra.
He recently developed and directed UrbanInquiries, a three year participatory project for the Austrian National Theatre. Airan was also the director of the Schauspielhaus Vienna and was responsible for the Performance Art program of the European Capital of Culture 2009 in Linz, Austria. In that capacity he also developed the creativity and learning project I Like to Move it Move it. Airan has developed a variety of participatory methodologies. Besides his artistic work Airan is often invited to give workshops and hold lectures and key note speeches at international conferences.
Photo Credit – Alessia Rollo