David Khafagi

  • Time at ASO 2 years
  • Instrument Trumpet
  • Position Section Principal - Trumpet
David Khafagi

David Khafagi is an accomplished trumpet player who has performed with the Adelaide, Tasmanian, Melbourne and Queensland Symphony Orchestras, as well as having maintained an active freelance career and contributions to local community music organisations. He holds a Bachelor of Music Performance from the Queensland Conservatorium, with Honours from the Elder Conservatorium, and spent significant time studying privately with Yoram Levy (Principal Trumpet, TSO) and Professor Hannes Laeubin (Hockschule fur Musik und Theater, Munich). Growing up, David was heavily involved with the Queensland Youth Orchestra and also participated in Australian Youth Orchestra and National Music Camp. David has had a lifelong association with brass bands in Australia and has played Soprano Cornet with Brisbane Brass and Kensington & Norwood bands. Before making the move to playing full-time, David enjoyed a career of twelve years in Orchestra Management at the ASO, where he was involved with both management and operational aspects of the organisation. He was the AYO National Music Camp Arts Management tutor in 2016 and 2017. David is privileged to be Principal Trumpet of the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, a position to which he was appointed in February 2022. In 2023 he made his concerto debut with the ASO, performing Haydn’s Trumpet Concerto in Mt Gambier and Tanunda, and he also performed the Australian premiere of John Mackey’s Trumpet Concerto, Antique Violences, with the Adelaide Wind Orchestra. David is proud to be an ambassador for Bach and Schagerl trumpets.

David is supported by Alyson Morrison & Michael Critchley via our Musical Chairs program.

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