Miriam Hyde Circle

The Miriam Hyde Circle is an initiative committed to ensuring a greater representation of female composers – past, present and future – in the work of the ASO.

Portrait of Miriam Hyde, 1988, David Franklin

Miriam Hyde AO OBE (1913–2005) was one of Australia’s foremost pianists, composers and music educators of the 20th century. In naming the Circle after her, we honour her trailblazing spirit.

The inaugural chair of the Miriam Hyde Circle is the Hon. Catherine Branson AC KC.

As a member, you will be invited to special events to meet and hear from leaders from the cultural and business sectors. Membership in this giving circle makes a real difference to the representation of orchestral music by women. Your support enables the ASO to perform lost and forgotten music of the past, and helps to forge the creation of new music by female composers.

Join us

If you would like to join our Miriam Hyde Circle, or to find out more, please contact:

Lucy Eckermann – Philanthropy Manager
P 8233 6263
E eckermannl@aso.com.au

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